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Zoom-sessions continue!

Published: 03/30/2020 3:45 pm Author: Sini Tuovinen (Communications Intern)

After the university studies were transferred to distance, SAVOTTA launched question sessions over the Zoom-service. Those sessions will be continued this and next week. Next Zoom-session will be on

  • Wednesday 1st April 14-15
  • Wednesday 8th April 14-15

Join us and ask anything about studies, long distance problems or any other question that is on your mind! We will answer you and if we don’t know something, we will try to find the answer for you. You can send the questions on the chat or over the video call. Don’t hesitate of joining to the Zoom-session! You might here some interesting thoughts that other students might be also having over this new situation.

You can join the Zoom-session from this link:

Kirjaudu Zoom-palveluun koulusi tunnuksilla (SSO-kirjautuminen). Jos kirjautumisessa tai videoyhteyden saamisessa on ongelmia, kokeile alustavasti ensin vaihtaa esimerkiksi joko sovelluksesta nettiselaimeen, tai jos yrität parhaillaan nettiselaimen kautta, niin kokeile vaihtaa selainta toiseen.

Sign up to Zoom with your school users by SSO. If you are having problems with getting in to the session, try changing the browser you are using. Or if you are trying to connect with your phone, try your computer instead.

If you have any problems with connecting to Zoom, you can contact us by