The Student Union Representative Election: 12 Members and 12 Deputy Members Elected
The Student Union Representative Election 2024 has concluded, and the new representative council has been elected for the term from January 1st to December 31st, 2025. A total of 12 regular members and 12 deputy members were elected. The task of the representative council is to represent the students’ voice in the student union’s decision-making and guide the student union’s activities.
A total of 672 votes were cast in the election, resulting in a voter turnout of 12.86%. The voter turnout has slightly decreased compared to previous years. The student union aims to improve communication in the future and encourage more students to participate in voting and decision-making.
The composition of the new representative council was confirmed at the organizational meeting held on December 4th, 2024. The representative council will begin its work in early 2025.
What is the Representative Council?
The council makes decisions on, for example, the composition of the Student Union Board, major purchases, space changes, and approves the financial statement and annual report. Through the council, you can influence the broader aspects of student life that impact daily student experiences and the entire student community. Acting on the council also provides valuable skills for the future, such as understanding large-scale processes and learning meeting procedures, which can be beneficial in the workplace! The council needs students from all fields of study at Savonia to ensure that the diverse voices of the entire Savonia student community are heard.
How to Join the Representative Council?
You can join the Representative Council by running in the annual elections, which take place between October and November. Any member of the Student Union who has paid the membership fee can run either as an independent candidate or through an electoral alliance (later known as an electoral list). The declaration period is from September 30th to October 13th.
If you know several students who want to join the council, it’s a good idea to create an electoral list for them! Anyone can form an electoral list, even someone not on the list themselves. The founder of the list needs to know the full name and student number of all students running on the list for the formation announcement.
Typically, lists are formed based on fields of study, but students from any field can be on the same list. Each list can have up to 12 candidates.
Advance voting for the Representative Council elections will take place from October 28 to November 5, with the official election day on November 6. The elections will be conducted electronically via Webropol, and every Student Union member will receive a link by email to vote for their preferred candidate. After voting, the Central Election Committee of the Student Union will gather to count the votes and confirm the elected council members. The results will be published on November 7.
How to Form an Electoral List:
- Choose a person who will be in charge of forming the electoral list.
- Gather the candidates who will be running on the list.
- Decide on a name for your list once you have confirmed your candidates. If you are forming multiple lists, each list must have a unique name.
- Once the name is decided, candidates can fill out the form for declaring candidacy.
- After all the candidates on the list have completed the declaration, the person in charge must submit the electoral list formation announcement.
How to Declare as a Candidate?
You can fill the declarion of candidacy here: Declaration of candidacy.
How to Submit Electoral List Formation Announcement?
The announcement can be submitted here: Forming of an Electoral alliance.
What if you Have Questions?
You can contact the Chair of the Central Election Committee, Miinus, at any time with questions related to the elections, either via email.
Miinus Mukala vaalit@opiskelijakuntasavotta.fi