Electorial Lists

Muotoilijat Yhdessä (Designers Together)

As the name suggests, Designers Together is a coalition of design students. Our goal as designers is to make design students visible and heard in the representative council, and to be involved in decision-making on issues affecting all students. We, as designers, aim to increase students’ awareness of the representative council. We want every student, regardless of their field or background, to feel that Savonia University of Applied Sciences is their own.

Kokemusasiantuntijat (Experts by Experience)

Experts by Experience is a group of hospitality management students, and our goal is to make the voices of our fellow students heard, as we are a relatively small field compared to others. We want to bring attention to the issues that concern us and work to improve education and student life for everyone.

Insinöörit Päättää (Engineers Decide)

The aim of this election list is to inspire engineering students to run for the student union representative council. This list is part of the “I Want to Decide” campaign, where, together with business students, we strive to get our fellow students involved in decision-making on issues that affect all students.

Tradenomit Päättää (Business Students Decide)

We have gathered business students who are interested in influencing the student union. We want every student to feel that Savonia University of Applied Sciences is their own place, regardless of their field or background.

Our main goals are:

  • To maintain and develop cooperation between students and Savonia
  • To create dedicated spaces focused on the ease and enjoyment of studying
  • To ensure the quality of education
  • To develop interdisciplinary collaboration among students

By voting for our candidates, you ensure that business students are represented in the representative council.

SoTelaiset päättää (Social and Health Students Decide)

This is an election list for students in the social and health fields. Our goals include influencing the smoothness and meaningfulness of studying, the quality of education, and the well-being of students.

Kulttuurivoima (Cultural Power)

Cultural Power is a coalition of music and dance students, with one of our key goals being to increase the sense of community within the entire student union. We also aim to support diverse culture, so that every student feels the student union is their own.

The more compact and safer the atmosphere within our community, the more we can achieve by working together.

Sitoutumattomat (Non-Aligned)

The Non-Aligned list represents candidates who have run for the representative council without belonging to any election list.