Tips for Student Association Activities
This page gathers background information and links related to the activities of student associations operating at Savonia University of Applied Sciences, to support the daily operations of associations and in building a portfolio of student organization skills. If you need help with everyday questions regarding your student association, please contact Juha or Jari at the SAVOTTA office. The materials below may also provide solutions to many everyday questions.
Literature on Organization Activities and Useful Links
Yhdistystoiminnan käsikirja, E-book, Loimu, Kari, Alma Talent 2013
Yhdistysoikeus, E-book, Halila, Heikki, Tarasti, Lauri, Talentum 2011
Toiminnan suunnittelu ja hallinto yhdistyksissä, E-book, Hämäläinen, Jukka ym., Kauppakamari 2018
Yhdistysjohtamisen opas: yhdistys ei ole yritys, JCI 2016
Kehittyvä kirjanpitotaito, Tomperi, Soile, author, 1942- ; Edita 2023
Yhdistys ja säätiö: oikeudelliset kysymykset, tilinpäätös, verotus ja hallinto, multiple authors, Tietosanoma 2022
Kansalaiset, toimikaa!: kansalaistoiminta 2020-luvulla, Tapio, Mari ym., Kansalaisfoorumi 2022
Finlex, association lawi:
Association register:
Tax administration’s guidance for associationse:
Study Center Sivis, Good Meeting Practices in Association Activities:
AYY’s association hand book:
HYY’s associationwiki:
Student Union’s Code of Conduct
The Rules of Your Student Association and Any Possible Bylaws or Operational Guidelines. Familiarize yourself with the roles and responsibilities of the board members. It’s important to understand what matters the board decides on and which matters require the organization of a general meeting.
The Association’s Action Plan and Budget for the Operating Year. The action plan and budget are the key tools for guiding the association’s activities on an annual basis.
You can find many theses related to association activities on Theseus. It’s worth checking them out as well.