Student Rights and Responsibilities

This page provides information about the rights and responsibilities of students at Savonia University of Applied Sciences.

Savonia University of Applied Sciences’ regulations include rules and principles concerning studies and teaching, such as practices related to the assessment and completion of academic work. It is advisable for students to familiarize themselves with the curriculum of their degree programs. Many issues are resolved through collaboration between staff and students. If you need help with any problems, you can contact the student union. The student union also has two harassment contact persons to assist students in cases of harassment.

Student’s Rights:

Safe and Healthy Study Environment

  • Students have the right to a safe study environment. Disciplinary actions and the right to a safe study environment are governed by the provisions of the Higher Education Act (932/2014), sections 31 and 38.
  • Students have the right to a higher education free from harassment, discrimination, and substances, as well as to equal treatment.
  • Students have the right to access municipal healthcare services in addition to the services provided by the Finnish Student Health Service (YTHS), if needed.
  • Students are entitled to financial support under certain conditions, including study grants, maternity, paternity, and parental allowances, social assistance, general housing benefits, sickness allowance, and tax-free income.

Progression of Studies

  • Students have the right to complete their studies according to the curriculum and course implementation plan.
  • Students are entitled to guidance and counseling at all stages of their studies.
  • Students have the right to receive learning support if necessary. Barriers to studying should be minimized.
  • Students have the right to request the recognition of prior learning for studies or internships through previously completed studies at the same level, equivalent work experience, or other relevant competencies.

Assessment of Courses

  • Students have the right to be provided with accurate information in advance regarding the requirements, evaluation criteria, learning objectives, and alternative completion methods for a course. The evaluation criteria are based on the course objectives and are presented at the start of the course as part of the course implementation plan. Students have the right to receive information on how the evaluation criteria were applied to their work.
  • Students are entitled to receive feedback on their learning from the evaluation of their academic performance, information about how the evaluation criteria were applied, and the right to request a review of the assessment.
  • Students should receive their evaluations recorded in the student administration system within one month of completion. Exceptions to this rule are listed in Savonia’s degree regulations.
  • In the case of a failing grade, students are entitled to at least two retakes as defined in the degree regulations. The grade of a passed course can be improved once per year, but the grade for a thesis cannot be increased.
  • Students have the right to provide feedback on the course or its implementation to the instructor, and if necessary, to the instructor’s supervisor. Students are also entitled to receive a response to the feedback they provide.

Student’s Responsibilities:

Community Conduct

  • Students are obliged to respect and adhere to the rules and safety guidelines of the entire higher education community. Students should behave appropriately and in accordance with the order regulations of the institution.
  • Students are responsible for maintaining general cleanliness and for taking care of the tools and equipment they use at the university.
  • Students are required to follow data security and privacy guidelines. Any credentials provided to students are personal and should not be shared with others.

Completing Studies

  • Students can receive help with planning their studies. They are responsible for requesting the support and assistance they need. Students must also inform themselves about the procedures and practices related to their studies.
  • Ethical principles must be followed in studying. Lying, cheating, and plagiarism are not allowed at the university. Students are responsible for adhering to good scientific practice and research ethics as instructed by the university.
  • Students are responsible for the practical matters related to their student status, including signing up for courses, participating in teaching according to the course implementation plan, and planning their personal study and career plan (HOPS).
  • Students must take responsibility for the progress of their studies, participate in academic guidance, and follow Savonia’s electronic communication channels (email, Peppi, Reppu intranet, Tuudo, online learning environments).