
One of the legal duties of the Savonia University of Applied Sciences Student Union is to represent students’ interests both within the university and, for example, towards the campus city. The most visible forms of advocacy include training new tutors and coordinating tutoring activities in collaboration with Savonia University of Applied Sciences, as well as maintaining and acquiring new student benefits.

Other forms of advocacy include meetings held twice a year between student associations and Savonia’s leadership, as well as appointing student representatives to various working groups at Savonia. When necessary, we also issue statements on various topics, both individually and in collaboration with other student organizations.

Representatives of the Savonia University of Applied Sciences Student Union also actively meet with representatives from the city and other stakeholders. We work closely with the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) on various advocacy matters. In support of municipal advocacy, the student union, together with the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, prepared the Kuopio Higher Education Students’ Municipal Political Program in the spring of 2018. The aim of municipal advocacy is to make Kuopio the most well-being-oriented student city in Finland.

We are also preparing a broader regional political program, which will be published in the autumn.