Student Associations

There are many student associations in Savonia UAS. More specific information of each association you can find from their own websites.

Kuopion Muotoilun Opiskelijat Mutka ry

Mutka ry is the student association for design students in the cultural field at Savonia University of Applied Sciences. It works on student advocacy and organizes recreational activities for students.

Mutka ry's website

Kuopion Tekun Opiskelijayhdistys ry (KUTOP)

Founded in 1986, the Kuopio Tekun Student Association (KUTOP) handles local education-related advocacy for engineering students.

Kutop ry's website

Kuopion Tradenomiopiskelijat ry (KuoTra)

The Kuopio Business Students Association (Kuopion Tradenomiopiskelijat ry) was established in 2009 as a joint student association for all business students at Savonia University of Applied Sciences.

KuoTra ry's website

Kuopion Rakennusarkkitehtiopiskelijat ry (KuRA)

The Kuopio Architecture Students Association (Kuopion Rakennusarkkitehtiopiskelijat ry) was founded in 2015. You can recognize KuRA members by the black ribbon on their yellow overalls, their open atmosphere, and strong community involvement.

KuRA ry's website

Kuopion Restonomiopiskelijat KUREO ry

The student association for every hospitality management student in Kuopio!

Kureo ry's website

Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun musiikin ja tanssinopiskelijat Tempo ry

Tempo ry promotes the interests of its students, fosters interaction between different fields (rhythmic and classical music, and dance), and organizes events.

Tempo ry in Facebook

Kuopion sosiaali- ja terveysalan opiskelijat Tertta ry

Tertta ry is the student association for social and health care students at the university of applied sciences.

Tertta ry's website

Kuopion Insinööriopiskelijat KINRA ry

KINRA ry is the student association for engineering students in Kuopio.

Kinra ry's website

Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun Iisalmen Tuutoriopiskelijayhdistys SAITO ry

Saito ry is the student tutor association for the Iisalmi campus of Savonia University of Applied Sciences.

Saito ry in Instagram

Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun Iisalmen maaseutualan opiskelijat ry (SAIMO)

Saimo ry is the student association for rural area students at the Iisalmi campus.

Walter Ahlströmin Insinööriopiskelijayhdistys WAIO ry

WAIO ry is the student association for engineering students at the Varkaus campus.

Waio ry in Instagram