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Trips and tips from student union with ❤

Published: 02/07/2024 12:13 pm Author: Juha Asikainen (Executive Director)

Hi there! Here´s some info of upcoming trips and events for students of Savonia:

Did you know that we are offering trips to Lapland and Lofoten Islands with Timetravels? Well, now you do! 😊

For members of student union these trips are 30 € cheaper!

1. SAVOTTA adventure to northern Lapland, Vasatokka

You probably know that the best place to spot the Aurora Borealis in Finland is in the Northernmost Lapland! The ultimate one-week road trip will take you to the legendary youth center Vasatokka, 300 km beyond the Arctic Circle and up to the shores of the Arctic Ocean!

2. SAVOTTA adventure trip to Lofoten islands, Norway

Welcome to the Arctic student adventure to breathtaking Lofoten! Explore the magical Norwegian fjords and breathtaking nature sceneries with your friends and Timetravels. In fact, Lofoten is not all about the landscapes, you will also visit picturesque fisherman villages and find out more about the mighty Vikings!

So when and where can I sign up? From here and now:

The springs sports afternoon is held on Tuesday 13th of February – What on earth? 😲

 University of Eastern Finland’s and Savonia University of Applied Sciences’ students and staff members are enjoying their sports afternoon on Tuesday 13th of February at 12–16 o`clock. Every event in sports afternoon is open for all students and staff members of Savonia and UEF and Uniarts as well as the students of HUMAK Kuopio campuses. You don’t need a SYKETTÄ sticker to participate in these events but you have to register as a SYKETTÄ user if you haven’t done it before.

More info from here: https://sykettä.fi/kuopio/en/sports-afternoon/

Valentine´s Day event and snow sculpting competition – Market square here we come 🥰

Finnish broadcasting company (YLE) is making a live tv show from Kuopio on Valentine´s Day. There will be an event on the Kuopio market square during this show.

Welcome to join us for a joyful Valentine’s Day event at Kuopio Market Square on Wednesday February 14th, starting at 6 PM. Come along to enjoy togetherness and a diverse program. This event is open to everyone – let’s celebrate friendship! Place: Kuopio market square besides the Kuopio market hall.

Gather a group and take part also to Snow Sculpting competion. You can fill the signing form here.

Winterfest on February 27th – Fun on ice 😎

Winterfest is a traditional multidisciplinary student activity organised by student union SAVOTTA of Savonia in co-operation with student union ISYY of UEF and other Kuopio-based student organisations. There are activities like ice fishing and snow football at the Savilahti. You can also try out your skills in human curling and snow bowling or enjoy the sauna and hot tub provided by engineering students in case you feel a bit chilly. The ticket sale starts on Monday 12 February 2024.

Remember the membership of SAVOTTA – Get the discounts 😱

By joining the student union, you become a part of our community that provides many services and experiences for students. At the same time, you ensure that our work for an easier, funnier, and cheaper student life continues in the future as well. In addition you´ll also receive the greatest student discounts all over Finland.

How to become a member: Join here!

Follow SAVOTTA in social media ✅

Follow student union SAVOTTA @opkusavotta on Instagram and you know what to do 😊