Statement: The Increase in Public Transport Fares Hits Students – How Will Kuopio Uphold Its Commitment to Student-Friendliness?
Statement: The Increase in Public Transport Fares Hits Students – How Will Kuopio Uphold Its Commitment to Student-Friendliness?
The Student Union of Savonia University of Applied Sciences SAVOTTA expresses disappointment in the Kuopio Regional Transport Board’s decision to raise public transport fares by 6% at the start of next year. This increase affects all public transport tickets, customer groups, and payment methods – including student fares. For students, public transport is an essential, affordable, and eco-friendly way to commute between home, campus, work, and hobbies. The recently approved fare hike will further increase the financial burden on students and reduce opportunities for movement.
According to the “Student City Kuopio” study (Männikkömetsä Oy 2024), over half of the students use public transportation weekly. This group depends on affordable fares, and fare increases disproportionately impact students living outside the city center. Given that students’ incomes are already low, these fare hikes may negatively affect students’ perception of campus and essential services accessibility within Kuopio, which has invested heavily in developing the Savilahti area specifically with public transport in mind.
Kuopio promotes itself as a city of good living and student-friendliness. However, fare increases contradict these goals, as they may diminish the appeal of public transport and increase private car use. This trend conflicts with the city’s strategic aims. A study by the Bus and Local Traffic Associations, together with the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities (Ramboll Finland Oy 2024), shows that rising public transport fares lead to reduced mode share, thereby increasing congestion, emissions, and infrastructure costs in the long term.
Kuopio must uphold its promise of being student-friendly and providing affordable, accessible public transportation. A solution would be to keep student fares reasonable and accessible and to further develop public transport to better serve students and low-income residents. Instead of price increases, the city should consider ways in which public transport maintains its attractiveness compared to private car use and remains an environmentally friendly and functional option for students.
More information:
Henri Heininen, Student union SAVOTTA advocacy correspondent,
Kuopion Kaupunginvaltuusto. 16.5.2022. Kuopion strategia vuoteen 2030. HYVÄN ELÄMÄN PÄÄKAUPUNKI. kuopio2030-strategia-asiakirja.pdf. Viitattu 24.10.2024.
Männikkömetsä Oy. 25.3.2024. Miten kehittää Kuopiota opiskelijakaupunkina? Opiskelijakaupunki Kuopio -selvityksen tulokset ja toimenpide-ehdotukset. Viitattu 23.10.2024.
Ramboll Finland Oy. 11.1.2024. Linja-autoliikenteen arvonlisäverokannan muutoksen vaikutukset julkiselle taloudelle. Viitattu 23.10.2024.