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SAVOTTA’s new operators have been chosen!

Published: 11/26/2021 1:48 pm Author: Annika Väänänen (Communications Specialist)

The Student Union’s Representative Council of 2022 got organized in it’s meeting on Wednesday 24th of November 2021. In the meeting was chosen the Representative Council’s Chair and Vice Chair and also the Board’s bureau and members.

Here are the new operators who will start their tasks on the 1st of January 2022:

Iiris Kettunen, the Chair of the Board
Sami Heikkinen, the Vice Chair of the board
Oona Pappila
Anna Soukkamäki
Miisa Pelkonen
Aleksi Kantala
Kiia Sjöstedt
Roman Belai

Mikko Sipilä, the Chair of the Representative Council and Roosa Havukainen, the Vice Chair of the Representative Council

Big congratulations for the selected ones!