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Online membership shop now open! :)

Published: 08/23/2018 11:51 pm Author: Juha Asikainen (Executive Director)

How to join as a member in our shop?

You can join the student union by paying the membership fee. You need your Savonia student email and  user name to join the student union. The email and user name are given you on the first days when you start your studies at Savonia.

Step 1. Give the data transfer authorization

Before you pay the student union membership fee, please check from the Savonia Wilma that you have given the authorization to the transfer of your information from Savonia to the student union.  ( -> forms -> Savonia: Updating your personal information and study related decisions -> Student Union SAVOTTA). Your information will be updated about in an hour to the student union.

Step 2. Pay the membership fee

Select the type of membership and the time for which you want to pay the membership fee for.

There are three ways to complete the membership payment

  • In SAVOTTA online shop
  • By visiting our service points either in Microkatu or Opistotie. Membership can be paid with cards or cash only in these service points.
  • or at campuses when SAVOTTA is on the road at the beginning of academic year.

Step 3. Collect your student card and get it validated

You will get informed when your student card can be collected. Get it from the service point mentioned at the email. Your membership is activated when you get your student card validated with the term sticker. Validations can be made at all service points (see campus service points).

Step 4. Enyou your studies with us! 🙂

Remember that we are here for you making your studies easier, funnier and cheaper.

Read more about membership and fees from here.