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Apply to be a deputy member of FSHS Council!

Published: 10/15/2024 8:19 pm Author: Essi Lappalainen (Central Election Committee)

The Council of the Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS) for the years 2025–2026 will be elected at the Council meeting on December 11th. The Student Union of Savonia University of Applied Sciences, SAVOTTA, has received a request from the National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (SAMOK ry) to appoint a deputy member of the Council, in accordance with the rules approved at the 2020 Union meeting. Now is your chance to run for election and make an impact on the YTHS Council!

The Council meets twice a year, for the spring and autumn meetings. At the spring meeting, for example, the Board’s annual report and financial statements are presented. At the autumn meeting, the budget and action plan are presented, and if necessary, the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and certain members of the Council are elected. Additionally, the Chair, Vice-Chair, and other members of the Board may also be elected if needed.

The decision to appoint the deputy member is made by the Representative Council of the Student Union of Savonia University of Applied Sciences. The Representative Council will address the appointment of the deputy member at its meeting on October 22nd at 3:00 PM, in room B5019. Applicants are welcome to introduce themselves at the meeting, either in person or remotely. Once the Representative Council has made its decision, the Student Union SAVOTTA will forward the proposal to SAMOK.

Run for the position of deputy member of the Council by filling out this form.
The application closes on October 20th at 11:59 PM.

For more information about the application process and the activities of the Council of the Finnish Student Health Services, please contact Essi, the Chair of the Election Committee of the Student Union, by email at